knol2go knolknol2go

A Christmas Carol
a leopard doesn't change its spots 豹子不会改变它的斑点

abacus 算盘 suàn pán
Abrahamic religions
absence makes the heart grow fonder 小别胜新婚 / 别离令情深
ACCCIM 马来西亚中华总商会(简称中总)
acceleration 加速度 jiā sù dù
acids suān

acro - prefix

acronym 首字母缩略词
ad- prefix
Addis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴 yà dì sī yà bèi bā
ADHD 多动症 duō dòng zhèng
adjectives 形容词 xíng róng cí
adjectives of the word "dream"
adjectives of the word "glory" 光辉
adjectives related to microorganisms
ageing / aging population 老龄化 lǎo líng huà
AI - artificial intelligence 人工智能 rén gōng zhì néng
air 空气 kōng qì
air flow 气流 qì liú (in the respiratory system)
AirAsia Berhad 亚洲航空公司
aircraft carrier 部署和恢复飞机 bù shǔ hé huī fù fēi jī
airport 机场 fēi jī chǎng
airport sleepboxes
ages of extinction
ages of man
al- words
al - suffix
albatross 信天翁 xìn tiān wēng
alcohol 酒精 jiǔ jīng
alcohol, effects of alcohol
alcohol, measures of alcohol in a drink
alcohol, preparation of
alcoholic beverages 酒精性 jiǔ jīng xìng
alcoholic beverages, calories in
Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝 yà lì shān dà dà dì
alfresco 露天 lù tiān
alga 藻类 zǎo lèi
algebra 代数学 dài shù xué
algebraic equation
algebraic expressions

algebraic term
Algeria 阿尔及利亚 ā'ěrjílìyǎ
alkali jiǎn
alkanes and alkenes, differentiating
alloy 合金 hé jīn
alloys, examples of
aloe vera, ginseng, goji berry
along the river during the Qingming Festival 清明上河图 qīng míng shàng hé tú
alternative medicines 另类医疗 lìng lèi yī liáo, selected list
aluminum extraction 提炼铝 tí liàn lǚ
aluminium oxide 氧化铝 yǎng huà lǚ
alveolus 肺泡 fèi pào
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alzheimer's Disease 老年痴呆 lǎo nián chī dāi
ambassador 大使 dà shǐ
amphoteric compound 两性 liǎng xìng
ammonia ān
ammonia, aqueous 氨水 ānshuǐ
ammonia, uses of
ammonium 铵离子 ǎn lí zǐ
amygdala 杏仁核 xìng rén hé
analgesic 止药 zhǐ tòng yào
anchovy 凤尾鱼 fèng wěi yú
Ancient Near East
古代近东 gǔ dài jìn dōng
安卓 ān zhuó
Android, versions of
Angkor Wat
吴哥窟 wú gē kū
anim - prefix
前缀 qián zhuì
animals, categories of
动物分类 dòng wù fēn lèi
负离子 fù lí zǐ  / 阴离子 yīn lí zǐ, list of
Anna and The King, movie
Annapurna Trek Short Story
环节动物 huán jié dòng wù
anthropomorphic gods
anti-ageing food
抗生素 kàng shēng sù
抗原 kàng yuán
ants and ant eggs dish
Apache OpenOffice
API - Air Pollution Index
API - Application Programming Interface
猿 yuán
胃口 wèi kǒu
Apple's "Think Different" advertisement
广告 guǎng gào
Arabica (coffee
咖啡kā fēi)
考古学 kǎo gǔ xué/ archeology / archaeologist
archaeological / historical ages
考古时代 kǎo gǔ shí dài

archaeological sites in China
Archimedes' Principle
阿基米德原则 ā jī mǐ dé yuán zé
Arctic fox
白狐 bái hú
Armed Forces Museum, Port Dickson
节肢动物 jié zhī dòng wù
ary - suffix
Asam Laksa
东南亚国家联盟  dōng nán yà guó jiā lián méng
Ascending the Dragon Gate 登龙门 dēng lóng mén
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Asperger Syndrome
阿斯伯格综合症 ā sī bó gé zònghé zhèng
aspiration 志向 zhì xiàng
刺客 cì kè
气喘 qì chuǎn 哮喘 xiāo chuǎn
astr/astro - prefix
astronomical unit
天文单位 tiān wén dān wèi
大 气层 dà qì céng
atomic models
attorney general
总检察长 zǒng jiǎn chá zhǎng
Auckland 新西兰奥克兰 xīn xī lán ào kè lán
audi alteram partem
augmented reality
扩增实境 kuò zēng shí jìng
Aung San Suu Kyi 昂山素季 Áng shān sù jì
Australia - The Movie
Australia, the Six States
Australian Inventions

害怕飞行 hài pà fēi xíng
Avogadro Law
Ā fú jiā dé luó dìnglǜ
大城府 dà chéng fǔ

List of Countries beginning with the letter A


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