knol2go knol
Dakota Pipeline
Dal Bhat 豆子饭
Dalton, John (atomic model)
Danang 岘港 xiàn gǎng
Danxia 丹霞 dān xiá
Dao De Jing 道德经
dark matter
Darvaza Gas Crater 达瓦扎煤气坑 dá wǎ zhā méi qì kēng
Darwin 达尔文港 dá ěr wén gǎng
data 数据
data migration 数据迁移
data science 数据科学
data types 数据型
data validation
data verification
database 数据库
Day of the Dead 亡灵节 wáng líng jié
Dazu Grottoes 大足石窟

Dazu Grottoes 大足石窟- with timeline
de mortuis nil nisi bonum
Declaration of Amsterdam
deforestation 砍伐森林
deformities linked to Agent Orange
democracy 民主 mín zhǔ
density 密度 mì dù

density -  eggs 密度 mì dù 鸡蛋 jī dàn
derived quantities
desktop application software
desktop computer 台式电脑
detergent 洗涤剂
detergents, additives in
diamonds 金刚石
diaspora 侨民
dibasic / diprotic acid
differential equations
differential equation (Example)
diffraction 衍射
diffusion 扩散
digestion 消化
digestive system 消化系统 xiāo huà xì tǒng

digit 数字
digital 数字化
digital assistants / virtual assistants
digital currency 数字货币
digital literacy 数字素养
digital thermometers 数字温度计 shù zì wēn dù jì
dim sum 点心  diǎn xīn
dinosaurs 恐龙 kǒng lóng

direct data entry and associated devices
discrimination, types of
diseases - acronyms
diseases - caused by bacteria

diseases - caused by fungi
diseases - caused by viruses
diseases - caused by protozoa
displacement-time graph
displacement and distance (difference)
distance makes the heart grow fonder 距离产生美 jù lí chǎn shēng měi
DNA 脱氧核糖核酸 tuō yǎng hé táng hé suān
documentary- 500 Years
dogs 狗 gǒu

dolphins 海豚 hǎi tún
dom - suffix
dome 圆顶

domino effect
Don Inthanon
dondang sayang

donkey meat 驴肉 lǘ ròu
dot matrix printer 
点阵式打印机 diǎn zhèn shì dǎ yìn jī
dot mobi
double negatives
dowsing 寻水术 xún shuǐ shù

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
driverless vehicles 无人驾驶车辆
drones 无人机 wú rén jī

Du Kang 杜康 dù kāng
Duanwu 端午节 duān wǔ jié
ducks 鸭 yā
Dunbar's Number
durian 榴梿果 liú lián guǒ
dwarfs / dwarves
Dynamic Yunnan 云南映象yún nán yìng xiàng

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